Québec City Airport Parking

At least 2 hours prior to plane take off
Minimum of 30 minutes after plane lands

Québec City Airport Parking

Get the best parking space for a price you’ll love at Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport; simply fill out our handy form and we’ll do the rest.

Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport is incredibly busy, serving over 1.5 million passengers every year. If you’re looking for a parking space at the airport, make sure to book ahead to ensure you get the space you want for up to 60% less.

Québec City Airport Parking scores on average 94% based on 38699 customer reviews.100

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Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport Airport parking

Quebec City Airport has one multi-story parking lot and one outdoor parking area, with a separate area available for picking up and dropping off friends or family members.

On-site parking

INPARQ P1 is an indoor multi-story parking lot built on the side of the terminal, making it a short walk away from the gates. PROXIPARQ P2 is a ground-level, outdoor parking area that sits behind P1. A boardwalk takes you from P2 through to P1 and into the terminal.

There are 20 disabled parking bays on-site and some of the spaces in P1 include charging stations for electric cars. You may leave your car in either lot for as little as 15 minutes or less and there are no limits on the maximum length of your stay.

In case of issues starting, accessing or seeing out of your car in wintery weather conditions, the airport provides jumper cables, scrapers and shovels at the information desk inside the main building. All bookings must be made at least 24 hours before departure.

Pick-up and drop-off area

CellPARQ allows you to pick up friends or family from YQB without paying parking fees or searching frantically for a place to stop. It is a covered area just off Rue Principale and a short distance from the main building. YQB calls this area CellPARQ because it’s the designated spot for waiting for messages or phone calls from loved ones. Best of all, it’s free to wait here for up to 60 minutes. However, you must not leave your car unattended at any time, as doing so may lead to it being towed away at your expense.

Guide de l'Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec

L'Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB) est la 12e plaque tournante des vols de passagers la plus achalandée au Canada et la deuxième plus achalandée de la province de Québec. Un seul terminal et deux pistes desservent 11 compagnies aériennes offrant des vols vers l'est du Canada, le nord-est des États-Unis, la Floride, le Mexique et la France. Plus de 1,5 million de passagers utilisent YQB chaque année et la devise de l’aéroport est «Le passager d’abord».

Localisation de l'aéroport de Québec

YQB est situé à 14 kilomètres à l'ouest au sud-ouest de Québec dans la province canadienne du Québec. Il est facilement accessible par la route depuis le centre-ville depuis l'autoroute 400 O via l'autoroute 40 O et la route de l'aéroport (route de l'aéroport).

N'ayant pas de gare sur place et seulement des bus peu fréquents à destination et en provenance de YQB, l'aéroport n'est pas particulièrement bien desservi par les transports en commun. Si vous prenez l'avion pour vous rendre à l'aéroport et devez vous rendre en ville, le moyen le plus simple et le plus rapide de le faire est de héler un taxi depuis l'extérieur du terminal.

Histoire de l'aéroport de Québec

L'aéroport de Québec a d'abord été établi comme base de l'Aviation royale canadienne et de l'École d'observateurs aériens n ° 8 pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, alors qu'il était connu sous le nom d'aéroport de L'Ancienne-Lorette. Son premier vol a décollé le 11 septembre 1941 - anniversaire officiel de l’aéroport - et il a commencé à servir de base pour les vols commerciaux deux ans plus tard.

Depuis, YQB est devenu une plaque tournante importante, en particulier pour les passagers d'affaires en provenance et à destination de Montréal et d'autres destinations en Amérique du Nord-Est. Au 21e siècle, l'aéroport a bénéficié de travaux de rénovation réguliers, dont l'ouverture d'un nouveau terminal en 2008. Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a ajouté YQB à la liste des aéroports canadiens disposant d'installations de précontrôle à la frontière américaine au début de 2016.

Pour fêter ses 75 ans en 2016, l'aéroport a annoncé le démarrage du projet YQB 2018. Ce projet de 277 millions de dollars verra son terminal doubler de taille pour ajouter plus de restaurants et de places de stationnement, des points de vente au détail, des bornes libre-service, des installations automatisées de dépôt des bagages et plus encore. En raison de cette expansion continue, les exploitants d'aéroports prévoient de commencer à servir deux millions de passagers par an d'ici 2020.

Airport facilities

As a small airport, YQB doesn’t have a huge range of options when it comes to places to eat, drink or shop. Despite this, there are donut shops, fast food joints and bars to relax in before your flight.

To help keep you busy, Relay provides a fine selection of magazines, newspapers, snacks and confectionary. Meanwhile, international flyers on the hunt for bargains can choose from thousands of branded fragrances, alcoholic drinks and souvenirs at the YQB duty free store.

If you need any special assistance, the People with Motor Disability page on the airport website should help you prepare for your time at YQB.

  • ATMs

  • Bag wrapping

  • Baggage enquiries

  • Car hire

  • Car valeting service

  • Currency exchange

  • Disabled access

  • Dry cleaning

  • Family and baby facilities

  • Food and drink

    • Restaurants

    • Cafés

    • Bars

    • Breakfasts

  • Hotels

  • Information points

  • Internet access

  • Left baggage

  • Lost and Found

  • Parking facilities

  • Shopping

    • High-street brands

    • Convenience store

    • Duty free

  • Smoking areas

  • Trolleys

  • VIP lounge

Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport Airport hotel and parking

While there are no on-site hotels at Quebec City Airport, there is a wide range of budget, mid-range and premium hotels nearby. Choose a low-priced chain hotel if you simply need somewhere to sleep for the night or check into mid-range or business-friendly accommodation if want to make use of things like on-site restaurants, gyms and other mod cons.

Many of the high-class hotels in the area combine the historic charm of Old Quebec with a host of luxuries, including indoor and outdoor pools, en suite showers and conference rooms. Some accommodations also provide 24-hour room service and valet parking.

Most local hotels provide free parking, but not many offer any form of transport to Quebec City Airport, so be sure to check before you book.

Top things to do in Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport Airport

Relax, dine and unwind in style

Whether you’re passing through on business or looking for a classy way to start your vacation in the sun, the YQB VIP Lounge is the perfect place to relax in comfort and luxury.

Inside, you get access to a well-stocked bar and a list of meals made with the finest ingredients. You’re given an iPad and a range of newspapers to keep you up-to-date with the latest news. Meanwhile, the comfortable seating, central fireplace and plasma TV screens make the lounge feel like a home away from home.

If you need to get on with work away from the office, go the ‘Business Center’ and use the computers, telephones, fax machines, photocopiers and shredders. Flight status monitors are dotted throughout the lounge and business center to make sure that you can relax or get down to business without fear of missing your plane or announcements of delays or cancelations.

Enjoy a morning pick-me-up, Canadian style

Only the Netherlands and Finland reportedly drink more coffee than Canada. For this reason, it’s only right that a substantial list of fresh coffees is available to give you a boost whenever you need it at Quebec City Airport.

The Tim Hortons restaurant is named after its founder and former NHL star, Tim Horton, and it has strong links with Canadian culture, as reflected in its menu and its decor. This restaurant is located on the second floor (landside) and is open 24 hours a day.

Get your family vacation off to a flying start

If the thought of spending time in a busy airport with kids is making you anxious, you’ll be glad to know that the YQB Family Zone is located close to the security checkpoint. You’ll find a children’s play area to occupy the kids while you take the weight off your feet.

A nursing room can be found close to the play area. This room is equipped with a changing table and sink for cleaning up and a microwave for warming up milk or other food.

Try plane-spotting under cover

Quebec City Airport has a plane observation area in the Tim Hortons restaurant on the second floor. The fact that the observation area is inside means you can indulge in plane-spotting at any time of year, which is great news considering the cold and snow that hits Quebec City every winter.

With excellent views of both runways, the kids will love watching the airliners take off and land, while you tuck into your food.

Buy designer bargains or last-minute snacks

There are only two retail stores at YQB: Relay and the duty free outlet. Despite this, you’ll find a wide array of high-street names and designer brands at the open-plan duty free store.

These include perfumes, bags, sunglasses, make-up and skincare products. You can also find great prices on tobacco, alcohol and more. When shopping there, be sure to keep within the Canadian customs allowances.

For those last-minute travel essentials and other handy items, Relay stocks a wide range of snack foods, confectionary, magazines, newspapers, books, notepads, pens, cold and flu medications and more.

Make use of fast, free WiFi

One of the most impressive things about Quebec City Airport is the free, high-speed WiFi to which you have access throughout the terminal building around the clock. Whether you’d like to chat online, read the news or watch videos without using up your data, you can do so at YQB without any issues.

You don’t need a password to connect to the YQB WiFi network. To get surfing, simply choose ‘YQB-Internet network’ from the list of available options, open your browser and accept the terms and conditions.

À faire près de Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec

Découvrez la puissance époustouflante de la nature

À seulement 22 minutes de route de l'aéroport de Québec, les chutes Montmorency culminent à 83 mètres (272,3 pieds) et sont vraiment un spectacle à voir. En fait, les chutes Montmorency sont plus hautes de 30 mètres (98,4 pieds) que celles des célèbres chutes du Niagara.

Au parc de la Chute Montmorency, vous pouvez monter en télécabine, traverser le pont suspendu, monter l'imposant escalier ou la tyrolienne au-dessus des chutes. Vous admirerez des vues spectaculaires en explorant le parc d'en bas, d'en haut et à tous les points de vue que vous pouvez imaginer pour une réelle impression de la puissance impressionnante de la nature.

Après votre randonnée, vous pourrez vous promener au Manoir Montmorency dans le même parc. Cette magnifique maison a été construite en 1781 et était la résidence d'été de la royauté britannique à la fin du 19e siècle. Promenez-vous dans les galeries et le musée avant de déjeuner ou de dîner au restaurant sur place dans le charmant patio du manoir.

Interagissez avec le passé

Les amateurs d'histoire qui ont du temps à perdre lors de leur escale au YQB peuvent visiter le Musée de la civilisation à Québec pour en apprendre davantage sur la riche histoire sociale de la ville, participer à des ateliers pratiques et découvrir une multitude d'objets historiques inhabituels dans des expositions permanentes et temporaires. .

Parmi les expositions permanentes se trouve le fascinant «Peuple québécois: hier et aujourd'hui». Vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur la relation des Autochtones avec les colons européens et sur le passage de la vie rurale à la vie urbaine à travers les âges. Vous aurez également la chance de voir des spectacles en rotation et des éléments interactifs attrayants qui offrent du divertissement et de l'éducation pour toute la famille.

Promenez-vous dans un peu d'Europe en Amérique du Nord

Remontez le temps avec une promenade dans le Vieux-Québec. Les remparts entourant ce site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO font de Québec la seule ville d'Amérique du Nord à avoir des murs fortifiés. Les forces coloniales britanniques ont commencé la fortification après avoir pris le contrôle de Québec aux Français lors de la bataille des plaines d'Abraham (1759). Malgré cela, l'architecture à la française est toujours à l'honneur et confère à une grande partie de la région une atmosphère européenne ancienne.

Promenez-vous le long des murs et admirez la vue sous tous les angles. Visitez divers sites historiques, dont le bâtiment du Parlement, construit entre 1877 et 1886. Promenez-vous sur la place Royale pour voir l'église Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, érigée en 1688 et la plus ancienne église en pierre du continent. Où que vous alliez pendant votre séjour dans le Vieux-Québec, vous ne serez jamais à court d'endroits charmants pour prendre des photos, acheter des souvenirs et simplement admirer le paysage.

Courez comme un crabe avec la Première Nation

À seulement 24 minutes de YQB en voiture, la réserve huronne-wendat vous permet de découvrir la vie, la culture et les anciennes traditions de certains peuples autochtones d'Amérique du Nord. Promenez-vous dans un village huron-wendat traditionnel dans un environnement naturel et découvrez les coutumes des Premières Nations en écoutant des contes et des légendes ou en regardant des spectacles de chants et de danses anciens. Faites du canoë le long de la rivière Kabir Kouba et apprenez à courir de côté comme un crabe avant de participer à une course.

Explorez les boutiques de la réserve et choisissez parmi des articles traditionnels à vendre, notamment des capteurs de rêves et des totems. Plongez-vous encore plus dans la culture en dégustant les plats ludiques dans un restaurant huron.

Profitez d'un pique-nique dans le parc au bord de la rivière

Le parc de la Plage-Jacques-Cartier est une magnifique réserve naturelle, pleine d'attraits et à seulement 13 minutes de YQB en voiture. Il y a beaucoup de choses à faire ici, y compris le kayak et la randonnée pour les amateurs de sensations fortes, mais une grande partie du parc reste calme et paisible même lorsqu'il y a beaucoup de monde, vous êtes donc également libre de vous promener le long du charmant 1,1 mile (2,6 km). ) étendue de verdure à un rythme détendu. La plage du fleuve Saint-Laurent est un endroit idéal pour jouer à des jeux de balle ou lancer un frisbee, avant de s'asseoir pour votre pique-nique avec vos proches.

Faire du patin à glace

À l’intérieur du centre commercial Les Galeries de la Capitale, vous trouverez Méga Parc, le plus grand parc d’attractions couvert au Québec. Vous pouvez choisir parmi 20 jeux et manèges, y compris le bowling, une grande roue, un mur d'escalade et des autos tamponneuses. Il y a même des montagnes russes qui vous emmènent dans une promenade exaltante à travers le plafond du centre commercial.

La patinoire est de taille réglementaire, vous pouvez donc regarder des matchs de hockey d'exhibition ou profiter de tournois PeeWee de temps en temps. Si vous êtes un patineur à moitié décent, Méga Parc est l’endroit idéal pour perfectionner vos compétences, tandis que les débutants trouveront le plaisir d’apprendre à patiner ici.

Which terminal?

Quebec City Airport has one terminal and two runways. It mostly serves as a base for flights to Eastern Canada and north east USA, although it also offers a number of trips to select destinations in Florida, Mexico and France.

The airlines currently offering public flights to and from Québec City Jean Lesage Airport can be found on the Québec City Jean Lesage Airport website.

How to get to Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport Airport



Quebec City Airport is located on Rue Principale in Quebec City. If you’re using sat nav, the post code G2G 0J4 will take you straight to the airport. To get to YQB from Sainte-Roy in downtown Quebec City, make your way onto Boulevard Charest E and head towards Autoroute 440 O, which becomes Autoroute 40 O.

Take exit 305 and merge onto Autoroute Duplessis/540 N and continue towards Route de l'Aéroport, which leads to Rue Principale and the airport terminal. Autoroute 440 O provides a quick way to get to Quebec Airport from almost anywhere in the city.


Réseau de transport de la Capitale (RTC) operates bus route 78. This service runs from Terminus Les Saules 6:52am every weekday morning and reaches the airport in nine minutes. The return journey departs from Quebec City Airport at 4:06pm and arrives at Terminus Les Saules at 4:17pm.


There is no train station at Quebec City Airport. It takes approximately 90 minutes to get to YQB via multiple bus connections from Gare du Palais train station in the Old Quebec area of the city.

Useful tips

There’s no longer a free business area in the terminal

Some online information states that that Quebec City Airport has a free business zone with computers in an unrestricted area of the terminal. However, the YQB customer service team states that this is no longer the case, as a children’s play area now stands in place of the computers. However, workstations are available in the VIP lounge.

Buses to and from YQB run infrequently

The only bus to the airport is the RTC 78. This infrequent service runs once every morning to the airport from Quebec City. It also makes the return journey just once a day in the late afternoon. There are parking options at YQB that mean, if you drive, you can leave your vehicle for the duration of your trip - sometimes this is free if the service is included in a hotel reservation. It’s also possible to take taxis between the airport and the city and its surrounding areas.

You must notify staff of any missing baggage

For your safety and security, you must notify airport staff of any lost baggage. If you lose any items in the terminal, you should go to the information desk close to the International Flight Arrivals area (number 7 on the Quebec City Airport terminal map).

Take advantage of the coat check and storage service

Quebec Airport provides a 24-hour coat check and storage service for international passengers. This allows you to store your personal belongings in a locked area with restricted access. Different rates apply for storing bags, boxes, suitcases, cages, bicycles and more. To use this service, you’ll need to speak to a member of staff at the information desk and you’ll then be given a ticket to retrieve your personal items when you return.

Pre-book your parking space 24 hours in advance

While it is possible to drive up and find a parking bay without booking, we advise booking in advance to make the whole process of parking your car quick, easy and free from stress. You must book parking at least 24 hours before your arrival to guarantee a space.

Emergency equipment is available at the information desk

If your car is failing to start or if the weather hampers your visibility while driving, there are booster cables, windshield wipers and shovels available to help get your car out of the parking area and safely onto the road. To use any of this equipment, you’ll need to speak to a member of staff at the information desk (close to the passenger check-in area).

Avoid paying parking fees for pick-ups

If you’re picking someone up from the airport, the last thing you want to do is pay a fee for the favour. You no doubt also want to avoid spending what seems like forever going around in circles looking for somewhere to stop and wait.

With this in mind, the YQB CellPARQ shelters you from the elements while you wait free for up to an hour. You can sit comfortably in your car in this designated cell phone waiting area while you wait for a message from your friend or family member to let you know they’ve arrived.

Download the free mobile app

The Quebec City Airport mobile app helps make your time in YQB a breeze. It allows you to book a parking space, track flights and keep an eye on delays and cancelations in real-time. The app is free to download from the iTunes App Store and Google Play.

Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport Airport FAQs

Is smoking allowed at the airport?

Quebec law bans smoking in indoor public places but YQB does provide smoking shelters outside of the main building, close to the parking area.

Are pets allowed in the terminal?

Yes, pets can enter the terminal as long as they are on a lead or in a cage.

How far it is from Port de Quebec to YQB?

Quebec City Airport is 9.6 miles (15.4 kilometers) from Port de Quebec via Autoroute 440 O and the journey takes an average of 25 minutes by road.

How long before my flight should I arrive at the airport?

Airlines open their check-in counters two-to-four hours before take-off, but you should contact your airline for exact times. Latest check-in times vary from one airline to the next, so it’s important not to arrive too late as staff may refuse to allow you to board.

Are there designated disabled parking areas?

There are 20 designated parking bays for drivers with a disabled parking permit. These spaces are very close to the terminal.

Is WiFi available in the terminal?

Yes. Fast, free Internet access is available throughout the main building.

"Covered parking and no worries. Would use it again."


Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport customer's reviews: 94% (10610)

Partners with:

  • Virgin Australia
  • Emirates
  • HRG
  • Air France
  • Alitalia
  • Ryan air
  • Jet star